Howlite is white with grey veining. It is often dyed blue or green to resemble turquoise, or red to resemble coral. It is a super-calming stone and many people use it to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind.
Focusing on a piece of howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives. Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of previous times and lifetimes.
Howlite teaches patience
Place a howlite stone in your pocket to absorb your own anger - or another's anger that is directed toward you. It helps to overcome critical or selfish behavior.
Healing properties of howlite
Relieves insomnia
Balances calcium levels
The pure howlite gemstone is said to be good for concentration. It helps in relieving stress and curing insomnia. Thus, it is good for individuals who have an overactive mind and are short tempered. Putting a howlite stone in the pocket, according to crystal specialists, can keep the person calm and focused. Howlite can also stabilize the level of calcium in the body and absorbs the negative energy. However, it is not hard enough to resist heat, acid, bright light, and other strong solvents. Therefore, carrying any piece made from howlite demands extra care.
Howlite is also considered a memory stone. It is believed to boost memory and knowledge preservation. It helps a person improves his or her dexterity skills. It aids individuals by keeping them relaxed when communicating and expressing emotions. Additionally, it dismisses self-centeredness, encourages inner strength, and promotes meditation. It’s basically equal to the experience of getting massaged in a spa, wherein people earn inner peace and complete calmness.