
If you’re like most people, you’re probably juggling life’s daily demands with a slew of pesky thoughts clouding up your judgment. From neurotic to confused and everything in between, these harmful thought patterns are not your friends but the roadblocks holding back from your true potential. To keep these thoughts from mucking up your aura, simply gaze at the stone, a practice that borrows from the Zen tradition and encourages peaceful contemplation.

This is also an excellent time to take stock of your current mind-body-spirit status. Like hot chocolate for the soul, use Apatite crystal healing to warm up the chakras by placing a stone over the chest or the breastbone (thymus chakra). If you’re in the mood to break on through to the other side, place a stone over the third-eye chakra in between the eyebrows and get ready for a magic carpet ride into an expanded spiritual dimension.

Hold tight to Apatite and remember that what you feed your mind determines your appetite for life.